Dec 1, 2022
Dr. Sonia Chopra, endodontist and Founder of Ballantyne Endodontics is an expert on alleviating tooth pain. Sonia points out the advantages of using the Sonendo GentleWave procedure to change outcomes and expectations of root canal pain. Not only is this procedure more effective and faster, but it also requires just one dental appointment instead of multiple visits, freeing up resources to handle more patients and respond more quickly to emergencies.
Sonia elaborates, "It's really important to understand our world of endo because we deal with tooth pain. And I would say about 80%, a good majority of patients seek us, dentists, out when they have pain, so having that deep understanding of tooth pain is really important. Plus, we are the specialty that saves teeth, and in my opinion, just based on my own experience and being born without eight teeth, saving teeth has really become a very important topic for me."
"I started my practice back in 2008 before GentleWave came onto the scene. I implemented GentleWave back in 2018, and so I've been working with this technology for about four years. And what I can honestly say is that it has allowed me to provide my patients with an elevated experience, elevated cleansing of the tooth, and just an overall better experience altogether."
"I also noticed a decrease in the amount of pain my patients were having aftercare. I wasn't having patients call my practice so often afterward. I would call them on the post-op call, and they would be fine, and then that was the end of the story. I didn't have patients calling me after the fact saying, "Hey, I'm still pretty sore. I think I need an antibiotic." Those conversations started to dwindle drastically, and I think that's a huge benefit of the technology."
#Endodontics #Endodontist #RootCanalTherapy #RootCanal #Sonendo #GentleWave #GentleWaveProcedure